
Luba Lukova graphic figures and the Apple person

The political posters of Luba Lukova and the advertisement style of apple remind me of each in there use of a two color scheme, and extremely flat and graphic. They both use black for their figures which makes them even more graphic and flat. The thing that I think they both do extremely well is create a feeling or mood with very little detail. Lukova's work use the silhouettes to create a mood of distressed that is surrounding the political issues that she is trying to bring attention to. The apple ads create a very different feeling of fun and easygoing but is just as successful as Lukova's work in creating this mood with very little detail. Over all both these pieces create a large impact with little detail which makes them very interesting to look at.

cipe pineles magazine covers

The first three magazine covers are covers made by Cipe Pineles when she was the art director of Glamour Magazine. The look is very similar to the current day vogue magazine covers. Both covers show a women who looks extremely glamorous  and stylish, making the viewer want to read it to look that women and do what she is doing. The design of the vogue covers is very clean compared to other magazines that are out there now. This clean design is very similar to Pinelea'a designs which give both the magazines an elegant and classic feeling.

Jacqueline S. Casey posters

The first two posters are designed by Jacqueline S. Casey. They use minimal design to create a feeling and aesthetic that goes with what the poster is advertising. Like the second poster looks like the flow of music notes and it is for a music concert at MIT. The third and fourth posters use that same abstract feeling and representation as the Casey's posters and remind me of the minimalist style of the Swiss poster design. 

Herbert Matter Large scale in posters

Herbert Matter was a huge influence on graphic design and specifically poster design. The way he used larger then life scale in his first poster I see in the wonder women movie poster. She takes up the whole page but still has a dynamic and interesting composition. Matter was the first to use such large figures that go off the page in his Swiss tourism posters like the wonder women poster. The Spiderman movie poster reminded me of how matter created space while use large scale. The figure in the front in larger then life with motion of ironman it creates depth in the image which many of matters posters, especially the second one in this post, has.

Sachplakat/Plakatstil and its influnence

The first to Images are from the Sachplakat/Plakatstil. The following three images are from a hertz poster campaign that is hung in airports car rentals. These posters kind of reminded me of a combination between there match advertisement poster and the hyperreal tooth paste advertisement. These posters use the block coloring of the match box poster, but is still somewhat realistic. I think the content is extremely similar in the way that these posters show cars and airplanes which is exactly what they are advertising. The same way that the Sachplakat/Plakatstil always showed the product they were advertising in the poster which wasn't always the norm at the time, so that influence is still being used as seen in the hertz posters.

henri toulouse lautrec and his layering style

The first image is a poster by henri toulouse lautrec it uses a layering technique that is still seen today. The second image is a book cover and it reminded me of this layering technique. The images uses blocks of color to create depth and space the same way Lautrecs posters created depth and space in his posters. He was the first to really push the way space worked in a image by putting a figure in the very front of the fore ground the way the figure is in the book cover.  The third images is a logo for an open mic night in the   Boise community. It uses the same layering technique as Lautrec. It also reminds me of Lautrec's work in its rough style and use of warm colors the way Lautrec's posters tended to have a warmer color scheme. 

Ludwig Hohlwein The Beggarstaffs, and the Modern poster

The first post is one done by the Beggarstaffs and the second is one by Ludwig Hohlwein. The third is is an advertisement for the annual pig jig music festival in Tampa. The fourth is a poster for an art  exhibition titled "Rebel Machines".  All of the posters use the blocks of color that made the posters done by the Beggarstaffs so different and groundbreaking for the time. The third and fourth posters use the very modern graphic look of flat colors and hard edges that Hohlwein uses in many of his posters. He and the   Beggarstaffs were the first to use this modern style of block colors and although these styles were not popular at the time due to the fact that the art novae style poster style was popular and much more ornate, now this style is very popular in poster design as it gives the posters a modern and edgy look. The main difference I see between the new and older posters is the newer once had a very vibrant color scheme.